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Filed under: CityVille
Now, if you enter your city and a friend has requested to build a Franchised Business in your city, a similar icon will appear on your screen to the one when visiting friends. Click on that icon to instantly be put into Place Mode, which replaces your cursor with a Franchise lot. Place it in an appropriate area--near lots of decorations, preferably--and just like that your friend has launched a Franchise in your city. While this is certainly helpful, nothing else has changed, really.
Most notably, there still is no way to delete useless or less profitable Franchises from friends' cities within the game. Players still have to ask neighbors directly via Facebook (a phone call or text is nice if you're close with the friend) to remove the Franchised Business manually in favor of a more profitable one. Until this changes, Franchises will be fundamentally flawed.
Perhaps Zynga could add a functionality to the Visitor's Center that would players to announce that they've "closed" Franchises and moved on to bigger and better Businesses. Though, that would require players to actually check the Center, which is unreliable. How about adding a big old "Delete" button to each Franchise Headquarters menu? No, not the one that sends the actual building to the inventory, but one that deletes both the HQ permanently and sends an ultimatum to friends who run these Franchised Businesses. The message would read something to the effect of, "Joe has closed his "Joe's Java House" Franchise and will no longer supply it. Would you like to remove this Business to create space for his next Franchise?" So, it's a little cold, but that's business. Is that not what CityVille is all about?
[Source and Image Credit: CityVille Forums]
What do you think of the Franchises update? Does this fix the Franchise issues for you or do you agree that it needs more work? Share with us in the comments. Add Comment.
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Joe Osborne 30 Mar, 2011--
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