Thursday, March 10, 2011

FrontierVille 'Purple Dog' glitch stumps players, forum moderators

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Purple Dog
Have any of you seen that purple doggie on the FrontierVille homestead? You know, the one with the waggly tail ... and the word "Temp" painted on its body? Unfortunately, it appears that this purple pup is not for sale, but a coding glitch that appeared around the same time the Injured Critter Goals were introduced. Several players on the forums report seeing this Purple Dog and have been asking why, but the moderators' guess is as good as ours.

"This has been discussed a few times now, Mizz Faith said, a FrontierVille forums Super Moderator. "The overall consensus is, we're baffled. I'm gonna ask again and see if it was ever figured out. It's quite a creepy looking little thing!" So if the moderators don't know a thing, it's likely that we won't either. My best guess is that this little scrapper is a placeholder for future items or animals. Perhaps it's used in testing new features before the artwork for items and animals is finalized. That said, it's just as likely that we'll never know and all we'll have to work with are screen shots. So, if you see the Purple Dog, be sure to snap a picture of it as you might never see this elusive creature again.

[Image Credit: iRonX]

Have you seen the Purple Dog on your homestead? What do you think it represents to the FrontierVille studios? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.


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Joe Osborne 10 Mar, 2011

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