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Filed under: FrontierVille
To celebrate the beginning of April tomorrow, Zynga has launched a five-part mission series in
FrontierVille called simply the "April Missions." Each mission has something to do with a task normally undertaken during the month in the real world, such as April Fools' Day, tax season, and so on.
To start, the first missions of five is called "April Fools," and it asks you to collect a single item from the new April Fools collection, along with completing two other tasks.
Have 500 Wood
Collect one Snake in a Can
Tend 30 Neighbors' Oxen To collect this Snake in a Can, all you'll need to do is complete tasks around your Homestead, as they will drop at random throughout the entire month of April (and presumably the rest of this evening as well). Your rewards for completing this first mission aren't a joke - 500 XP and 1 Tool Box, which contains a handful of valuable building items for use on your Homestead.
Part II of V takes us to Tax Time, as you'll need to collect some of those dreaded tax forms from your friends.
Have 1040 coins
Collect 10 Tax Forms
Visit 15 Neighbors Luckily, you'll be able to earn quite a few coins from your Daily Bonus for visiting neighbors, and most users should be able to spare 1040 (Get it? Taxes? 1040?) without really feeling a pinch. Completing this second missions gives you 500 XP and a Minibar, which was an item released during the New Years theme.
Part III of V celebrates Earth Day, and has tasks to match.
Plant 20 Fruit Trees
Harvest 30 Flax
Collect 10 Bags of Compost Remember to check your inventory to make sure you don't have some extra trees on hand before purchasing them from the store. Meanwhile, you can ask your friends to send you the 10 Bags of Compost while you're waiting the eight hours for the Flax to grow. Finishing this third missions gives you 500 XP and a Rock Bonsai. This decorative item was first available in the Rock theme back in November for coins, so feel free to sell this second one, if you already bought one the first time around.
Part IV of V is created in honor of Take Your Child to Work Day, and asks you to complete tasks around your Homestead using your in-game children.
Feed 10 Cows with your Child
Chop 10 Trees with your Child
Collect 5 Building Bonuses with your Child Remember, doing this is as simple as clicking on a child to activate them as your primary character and then working as normal. It doesn't matter if the same child completes all tasks, or if you split between multiple children, so if you haven't had a second or even third child in the game yet, don't worry. For finishing this mission, you'll receive 500 XP and 1 Workbench, which is otherwise available to purchase for 10,000 coins in the store.
Part V of V takes us to Arbor Day, with two tasks dedicated to trees.
Clear 10 Debris
Tend 20 Fruit Trees
Tend 20 Neighbor Fruit Trees It doesn't matter what kind of Debris, or what kinds of Fruit Trees you tend, so these should be really easy tasks to complete for most neighbors. Finishing this final mission gives you 500 XP and a Red Rose Arbor, the prize that's received for turning in the Red Roses crop Collection.
All in all, the reward items are fairly disappointing for this mission series, but the XP you'll earn, along with the ease of most of these tasks makes up for it. These missions are apparently already available to most users, rather than taking a long time via a slow roll-out, so make sure to start them soon to celebrate the launch of April with the rest of the FrontierVille universe.
What do you think of these April-themed missions? Is there any one "holiday" that you like more than the rest? Let us know in the comments.
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Brandy Shaul 01 Apr, 2011
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