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Filed under: Other Games
Andreas Weidenhaupt, Chief Licensing Officer of Frogster Interactive, expects to see an increase in user numbers due to the simplified process of playing MMOs through Kalydo technology. However, Kalydo CEO Doki Tops has even higher expectations for his company's work:
The future of gaming? Possibly in the free-to-play MMO space, but certain game genres just wouldn't fit on Facebook. However, the guy has a point. How much longer are we as players going to pay monthly for persistent online gaming? The amount of free-to-play MMOs that take this route in 2011 could be staggering. Just watch out for those Facebook Credits.This is the future of gaming. Players enter the game with a single click of the mouse instead of spending hours on a download and installation and get the exact same experience. We praise Frogster for recognizing this potential and taking a leading role with us in pioneering this massive new style of gaming.
[Image Credit: Frogster]
How do you think Facebook will improve Runes of Magic? Do you think more free-to-play MMOs are fated to Facebook? Speak up in the comments. Add Comment.
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Joe Osborne 28 Feb, 2011
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