Gameloft, mobile developers of games-that-look-like-other-games-but-aren’t-other-games, have inked a deal with Epic Games to use their Unreal Engine 3 in four new upcoming titles, two of which will be released this year, the other two are planned for 2012. The games will be planned for mobile devices for iOS and Android, as well as downloadable content for PSN and “set-top boxes”, which could hint at OnLive support.
Vice president of production at Gameloft, Julien Fournials, said they are “confident that players will enjoy the games powered by Unreal Engine 3″, to which Mark Rein, vice president at Epic, replied: “[Epic is] thrilled to provide our technology to Gameloft and look forward to a lasting collaboration.” This dialogue was followed by a wink and a nod, and then a freeze-frame simultaneous jump in front of a sunset.
Warren Buchanan 28 Feb, 2011
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