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Filed under: CityVille
Sneaky Zynga... While they announced that there were only two new buildings to unlock in the new Edgar and Ruth retail quests in CityVille, which also made it seem like there were only two new quests in total, it turns out the quest series lives on. Part III is called Out of Town Birds. While the first two quests saw you making helping Edgar and Ruth with dinner, and the second saw you helping Edgar find parking for an expensive car, this quest goes back to the birds (Ruth's birds), asking you to help them have some fun by exploring some of your neighbors' cities atop tour buses.
There are three fairly simple tasks to complete for this one, one being to collect a Shopping Cart collectible item. The Shopping Cart is part of the new Retail Collection, and can be earned by collecting from the new Tofu Burger and City Supermarket buildings. Don't worry if you have yet to start this quest set and don't own these buildings - you'll need to have them in your city just to complete the first quest in this now trio.
Another task in this quest asks you to supply your franchises three times. It doesn't matter which franchise you supply, or how many goods it takes to supply that franchise - simply supply three of your franchies in your friends' towns and this step will be complete.
The final part of this mission is the most time consuming, asking you to send 20 of your tour buses to your friends' businesses. To put it simply, you'll need to visit at least four of your neighbors and click on five of their businesses each to send tour buses there. You'll of course earn Reputation hearts and coins for doing so, so this seems to be a win-win situation for you - boost your Reputation while completing a quest. Not a bad setup right there.
As usual, we'll continue to let you know if and when more quests are added in this... interesting mission series, so keep checking back.
What do you think of this now tree-part mission series? Have you completed the first two quests? Let us know in the comments.
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Brandy Shaul 26 Feb, 2011
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