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Filed under: FrontierVille
While I've yet to see the Goal appear in my game, it's rare that FrontierVille Info is terribly off. First, players will need to find Rango on their homestead nine times. Similar to critters, Rango is said randomly appear when performing basic tasks like feeding animals, clearing debris and chopping trees. All you need to do is click on him when he does and repeat this another eight times to complete this portion of the Goal.
Then, you will need to ask your friends for 10 Buckets of Water, which should be standard fare at this point. However, it has yet to be explained how the third requirement, watching the Rango trailer, will be accomplished. We imagine either a link to the video or the video itself will be embedded into the Goal's pop-up window. Either way, watching a two-minute video shouldn't be tough, and it shows in the reward: a measly 30 coins and three Tools. However, we highly doubt the reward is so low for a Goal like this considering Zynga and Nickelodeon, the studio behind the movie, would like to make sure you complete it. This is an advertising effort, after all.
[Image Credit: FrontierVille Info]
Has this Goal appeared in your game yet? What do you think of ad-driven Goals and what's your advice for completing this Goal as fast as possible? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
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Joe Osborne 28 Feb, 2011
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