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Filed under: Farmville
Quackers has restocked the game with animals ranging from ducks to owls, with even a big of magic thrown in. Here's the list of what to expect if you choose to purchase a dart this week for 20 Farm Cash:
Kung Fu Duck
Blue Duck
Amur Leopard
Great Eagle Owl
Asian Wild Horse
Pink Unicorn
The Pink Unicorn appears to be one of the rare items for this Mystery Game, so I hope you're feeling lucky if you're going after that particular animal. No matter which animal you'd like on your farm, you'll need to play quickly, as you only have a week to clear out the dart board of balloons before this Mystery Game resets, taking these six animals with it, replacing them with six entirely new items (potentially in a St. Patrick's Day theme?).
We'll make sure to let you know what next week's Mystery Game contains, but in the meantime, let us know which of these animals you're happy to see return to FarmVille in the comments.
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Brandy Shaul 28 Feb, 2011
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