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Is it the most wonderful time of the year? I think it might just be. It’s GDC time again! How does this happen? It seems like we just closed the booth, packed it up, got the labels on the cases, and walked out of the Moscone Center in the rain… and before you know it – UBM is asking for hotel reservations! No joke I got the advanced reservation list of hotels for 2011 – on July 26th … in 2010. As I write this, our booth has been verified as “delivered”, we have electrical, carpet, furniture, and a great reel to share with everyone. Our production art team has been hard at work, with Chris to make this one memorable! I hope you will stop by to check out the magic, and to say “hey” to some of the hard working Insomniacs that I get the privilege of working with on a daily basis. Our booth is in the Career Pavilion – Booth #2536, and I’ll be there to answer questions and share a bit about Insomniac and our culture. I get a lot of questions at this time of year about how to apply for open positions, how our process works, why we don’t actually physically take resumes or reels, and what happens when we give you the web link to apply to. We use the web link application for several reasons… but I think the most important is that it is the green way to go. We as a company are really trying to be as green as possible, and shipping back to the office 300 lbs of paper and plastic that eventually will be recycled is not very ecologically minded. We also have had the unlucky misfortune of having our giant box/es of resumes and reels get lost in transit. It was an unfortunate event– one that we certainly learned a very hard lesson from –and one we are not eager to repeat. Two reasons down, two more to go! I don’t know about you – but paper can get lost on my desk, in the office and certainly when it’s being given to three or four people to review. If we get an electronic application/resume/reel we can have multiple people looking at a candidate at the same time, and we won’t lose it! And we can always come back to the document if we think a new position is a better fit for a specific skill set. And one of the last reasons we do this is to actually save you. How much easier is it to get a business card from us and write a quick note on the back of it, than to have to carry around 75 copies of your resume? That is what I thought! So now you have our card, you have our on-line application link in your hand, and you are ready to submit… but you pause and say “What happens when I hit submit?” Excellent question! We take recruitment very seriously here – and one that we work on EVERY day. Once you hit the submit button, your resume and application are queued up for us to review. We typically download resumes once or twice a day, and begin the task of parsing them for hiring managers. We check for duplications, and then begin the process of looking at each and every application. It’s a VERY time consuming process… but one that we take on with excitement as you just never know what each new application holds. You could be the EXACT candidate we are looking for. After each application and resume is looked at, if the skills and background are what we are looking for to fill the open position – the resume is sent then to the hiring manager. At that point several things could take place. You could be asked to take a test, we could schedule a phone conversation, we could have you come in the office. It all depends on the position. But one thing that does not change – we do review each and every application. We typically get around 10,000 resumes a year… so that is a lot of reading! One or two words of advice about applying for a position. Carrie (our Chief People Officer) and I like to call it the 80/20 rule. If 80% of the job sounds like the skills that you have, and 20% scares you to death... I think go for it. Please don’t reverse this though! If 80% of the job is stuff you have NEVER done, and 20% seems manageable… then I think you need to wait for a position that better suits your current skills, not those you hope to have one day. I hope this sheds a little light on how we do what we do…and also reiterates how excited we are to see some of you at GDC! I think it’s going to be a great show, and I do hope you drop by Booth 2536 and say “hey”… and check out Chris in a blond wig… oh yah, I said it! Until next time… 28 Feb, 2011
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