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Filed under: CityVille
If you're like me, you might have grown (really) tired with the current, relatively small selection of residential buildings available to build in your town in CityVille. After all, with so many quests asking us to add new members of the population to our cities, it's not uncommon to find ten or more of the exact same house lined up in a single line, as that's the only way to quickly add citizens to your town without taking up all of your free land.
Luckily, we finally been given some new variety in terms of housing, however, as there are four new residential buildings now available to build from the store. While these four buildings are split 50/50 in terms of price range, all four come with some very nice stats, relative to their footprint (size of their base) in your town; that is, you can add a lot of citizens to your town without taking up much room.
The two cheaper options are the Spring Bungalow, at 9,000 coins, and the Bay Point Duplex, which costs 30,000 coins. These buildings will add 130 and 230 citizens, respectively, to your town. The Spring Bungalow produces 72 coins in rent every two hours, while the Bay Point Duplex gives off 102 coins every four hours.
Meanwhile, for those looking to splurge, or simply add more population using even less room, you can purchase the Midtown Apartments building for 1.1 million coins, or the Parkside Villa for 1.75 million coins (told you they were a splurge). You must be level 53 to unlock the Midtown Apartments, which add 310 citizens to your town, and offer 84 coins in rent every 2 hours. The Parkside Villa is even more exclusive, requiring you to be level 63 or above. You'll receive 350 new citizens for building it, and you'll be able to collect 12 coins every 5 minutes from the Villa. This makes it a great building to have on hand when you need to cash out many residential buildings for a quest, but whether you want to pay that many coins for such a convenience will ultimately be up to you.
[Image Credit: Zynga]
Let us know what you think of these four new residential buildings in the comments - are you happy to see more variety added to the store, or did you like the selection of homes the way it was?
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Brandy Shaul 25 Feb, 2011
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